The family of a woman who lost her life after giving birth to twins at the Rob Ferreira hospital is demanding justice from the Mpumalanga department of health, accusing the department of negligence.
The Mpumalanga Department of Health is in hot water after the death a woman in Rob Ferreira Hospital.
The family from Matsulu, outside Mbombela, claimed that the 34 years old deceased, Elinah Ndlovu, gave birth to healthy twins, on 14 July 2020, on that day, the hospital conducted an operation on her without the family’s consent.
According to the husband, Edward Ndlovu (37) years, the deceased said she was forced to be operated to stop conceiving, claiming that her blood pressure was too high and she was unconscious.
“My wife gave birth naturally however the file was written C-section, which is confusing. She also told us that she was forced to tie her womb through an operation, which put her life in extreme pain, ever since her arrival from the hospital, she has been complaining about the pain on the operation. She was then admitted back to hospital 22 July 2020, 5 hours later she was still not attended to. We then received a call from the a nurse informing us that she passed away late afternoon on the same day. We demand to know the cause of her death,” added.
He further expressed that the hospital is denying everything and they keep contravening their statements.
“They were just assuming that it was just natural death until the doctor who was on shift the fateful day came holding her file to say it was unnatural of which the hospital management harassed her in front of us,” expressed Grieving Ndlovu.
Ndlovu is accusing the hospital of protecting their employees from being held accountable. The family says they are seeking legal advice and demand for their loved one.
The department’s spokesperson, Dumisani Malamule says, they have requested the hospital to provide a detailed report of what transpired the particular day.
“We are going to call the family so we have a meeting with them to get their full side of the story of what transpired. We will then compile with the two reports from both the family and the hospital to get guidance as to what needs to happen. We will keep contacts with the family,” added Malamule.
A case of civil has been opened with the police.